Travel Tour China

Monday, January 15, 2007

Inclination with Chinese Attire

I remember my mom once narrated to me her recurring dream about Jet Li: he was in his regular wear, robe, and with long braided hair, fighting with affluent goons and assassins. My mom is one enthusiastic fan of Jet Li (obviously) and she keeps piles of DVDs, CDs, and VHS tapes of Jet Li's movies from the old times to the recent. So, you can just wonder how I lock my door and cover my ears whenever I hear something about this actor. But then, Jet Li's movies gave me something more meaningful to study about---the actor's seemingly only costume, the magical robe.

According to my research, China is strictly a traditional country that has a different line-up of cultural garments. The robe, which is a staple in a Jet Li movie, may be a latest version of the famous Shenyl--- a one-piece robe that symbolizes the meaningful Yi and Shang.

China's belief in myths and legends is also seen in its clothing style because Chinese people believe that their attire is an expression of finesse and has significant symbols. The robe, for one, is thought to be an outfit that wraps the human body with luck and positive vibrations and also communicates vivacity to spectators.


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