Travel Tour China

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Enjoy the Forbidden City through the Peninsula Hotel

Much of our perspective of China is linked to its inimitable historical period, the era of the emperors. It was during this time that the country unsealed its ability in terms of mastery of skills in politics and warfare, economic growth and community development. This eventually terminated in the integration of the different provinces into a single state so that even if the leadership collapsed, the state remained intact.

Revisiting the century of the emperors is best obtained through a Peninsula Hotel endeavor. The hotel is built inside the fortress of the forbidden city. The hotel was constructed in 1989 with a traditional facade, thatched roof and dragon motifs. The building has been recently transformed to embellish the ambiance of the rooms and modernize the facilities. The hotel exemplifies balance of traditional culture and modern technology with its rooms set in wooden floors, silk bedding fabrics and traditional art works while including modern services such as an electronic panel for rooms, Internet connection and an entertainment system.

At the core of revelry is food savored in bounty. A banquet room is provided for trekkers to experience the warmth of Chinese hospitality and relish in the delectable cuisines of the country. Food is painstakingly prepared and served, exemplifying a truly imperial welcome.


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