Travel Tour China

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Stinky Tofu as Strange Chinese Meal

The great Chinese invasion has been going on for years, but this does not come in a form of war, but a pervading influence that conquers cultural zones. Even in Hollywood, authorities have long been enthralled impressed by Asian talents to grace the silver screen. With Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and even the green tea, we've also learned to welcome and agree with the Chinese norms as part of our lives. However, eccentric values could not be simply dismissed from this equation because when it comes to strange food plate varieties, we know too well that China has its own popular share. But aside from century eggs and sea cucumber, do you know that Chinese crowds are also fond of havingthe "stinky tofu?"

Yes, as the name implies, the pungent aroma is the strange feature of this Chinese specialty. If you could look beyond its not-so-impressive aroma and consider it for its hale benefits, then "stinky tofu" would be worth a try. To give you a morale boost, it would be quite remarkable to know that even the talented Chinese director, Ang Lee, is rumored to take delight from this exotic food.

In fermented brine with shrimp, salt, and vegetables, tofu is soaked in this strange weird solution of pungent liquid for hours to prepare a course aptly known as "stinky tofu" or "Chou Dofu" in Chinese. They even say that it takes a great man to enjoy this exotic course. But don't just take the challenge anywhere, when you can have the pleasing "stinky tofu" in Taipei at Dai’s House of Stinky Tofu instead of getting some from vending carts and stands.


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