Travel Tour China

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stride The Jackie Chan Method But Not The Martial Arts Fashion

Everybody remembers that Hong Kong is just almost ten years into being taken back to the territory of China. But have you ever wondered why the city is far more illustrious than the mainland capital, Beijing? Well, the explanation could be a mishmash of these: shopping, kung fu movies, and Jackie Chan.

Almost a day after this year began, I sat in front of the TV and stumbled upon Discovery Channel's special feature on the ultimate Asian superstar. I was amazed about his humble journey to where he is right now. How Jackie was just seen as a likely proxy for the demise of kung fu icon Bruce Lee before eventually alighting red carpet movie premieres around the world and a star in Hollywood's Walk of Fame, it’s simply no denying that he is Hong Kong and China’s official cultural ambassador to the world.

My fascination with Jackie Chan didn’t just close after heeding that TV feature. Instead, I longed for deeper facts about him. I was surprised of how much he had matured as far as film making is concerned and how much he has managed to cross both Eastern and Western cultural borderlines. But if there's one more thing that's very interesting about him that I think people often oversee is his taste for fashion. I bet you wouldn’t be convinced that he has his own fashion line – the JC Collection which is designed to cater to hip, urban, young men and the delightful thing about it, it has something for formal and casual occasions.

Bottomline: Voyaging to Hong Kong is not just for kung fu or the customary shopping bargain. It's also for fashion and maybe venture Jackie Chan's sort of style.


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